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Apr 22, 2022
Q & A - If I am Not Making Money, Is It Still Copyright Infringement?
Question - If I want to use a copyrighted item but do not plan to make any money, is it still infringement? What about if I am giving the...
Apr 17, 2022
Is This Song Copyrighted? What About This Photo?
I spend a little time over on O.k. a lot. A lot of time. Don't judge me. But, I cannot tell you how many times I have seen...
Jan 28, 2022
Q&A - Blatant Infringement - How Do They Get Away With It??
Question: How is it that there are so many shops online that are selling items that obviously infringe and they do not get shut down?...
Sep 10, 2021
Q&A - Safe Harbor Under the DMCA
Question: Why don't companies like Etsy, Amazon, Instagram, etc. automatically remove copyright infringing listings from their websites?...
May 20, 2021
Q&A - Should You Send a Cease and Desist?
If you have ever discovered your work being copied online, you may have wondered whether you should send a cease and desist ("C&D")...
Mar 23, 2021
Are Fonts Copyrighted?
I love fonts. I love choosing them and looking at them and comparing them. The right font can truly bring a project to life. These days,...
Mar 9, 2021
Is Using a Clothing Pattern to Make Items for Sale Infringement ?
In the United States, clothing is considered a “useful article” and is generally not eligible for copyright protection. If the clothing...
Mar 2, 2021
The CASE Act - A Summary and My Two Cents
The Copyright Alternatives in Small-Claims Enforcement ("CASE") Act of 2019 was passed in to law as a part of the Covid-19 stimulus bill...
Feb 25, 2021
Q & A - Is My Work Copyrighted?
Question: So, you have created something. A book, a drawing, a sticker design, a bracelet...something. How do you know whether it is...
Jan 26, 2021
Q&A - How Long Does it Take to Register a Copyright?
Question: Once I register my copyright with the Copyright Office, how long does it take for my certificate to be issued? Answer: This...
Jan 21, 2021
Q&A - My Creative Commons License is Being Violated, What Do I Do?
Question: I posted a screenplay online with a Attribution v4 International Creative Commons license. I found out that my screenplay was...
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